With life comes the unexpected. We can’t predict what will happen at any time. Many of us hear and see things that surprise and shock us. The world also has an enormous amount of troubling news and so many unbelievable things are happening all around us, it can be life shattering. There’s also an array of circumstances that can hit us anytime and anyplace in our lives, whether it’s at our work place, in our homes, church, at school or through our governments and powerful leaders in this world. Everywhere we see people are overwhelmed and dealing with hard pressed situations. Because of that we also see a break down in health, relationships and community and despite all of this we want to stand strong. The reality is that we live in a highly breakable and highly shakable world.
Is there an answer to all of this craziness? Can we be unshakable in a world that is so shaken? Can we have a hope that things will change. Do you have faith? What do you believe?
This world and humanity may fail us but we can be sure that we can put our trust and hope in something and someone far greater than any powerful leader or any circumstance that we face. Jesus Christ, he sees and knows everything that is happening. He sees the ciaos that we have caused ourselves because we have not been following in His ways or in the plans that He has for us. This world has flooded with people who just do what feels good, go for the next best thing and follow anything and everything. They don’t take the time to consider how important life is, how it all began, how it will end and the incredible truth of eternity!
Through it all there is hope and a bright future however, we need to recognize and believe in the foundation that God set before us. It begins with new life in Christ, without this, Jesus says, we cannot enter the Kingdom of God (John 3). Jack Hayford said it well. “New birth in Christ brings us into a new dimension of life where the Lord can begin to work that stability into us. And then, the unshakable nature of His Kingdom in our lives equips us to become the people he wants us to be, to exemplify - His constancy, goodness, and strength. When we put our trust and faith in Him we can be unshakable in a world that is shaken. We can’t be putting our faith in man, or the things here on earth. “Psalm 146:3 say’s to us “Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save.”
Only in Christ can we find true and lasting hope and faith.
Hebrews 11:1 tells us that “Now Faith, is sure of what we hope and certain of what we do not see”. It’s our faith that will keep us strong! It is the faith that we have in our heavenly father, His love for us, His purpose and plan and the hope of eternal life with Him!
“Stand firm, let noting move you” I Corinthians 15:58, NKJV says immovable, not capable of moving or being moved, this is not saying that nothing will ever change, this is not talking about the physical things of religion and man, but it says that we are to be unshakable in the truth of who God is and what He has said.
The enemy Satan wants to bring instability and destruction into our lives but even though things rattle and rupture around us, there comes stability—not because of anything that we have done or will do but because of something steadfast that is flowing into our lives by the promises and power of God.
God is building His Kingdom. God is asking us to build our lives on Him and Him alone. He wants to remove what can be shaken so that what cannot be shaken remains. God is our unshakeable rock, our refuge in times of trouble. When you see and hear what is taking place in your life and in this world, put your trust in God. He promises that our faith will be renewed and we will be able to stand firm, being assured and unshakable in the midst of the chaos around us. Psalm 62:2 reads, ‘He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken.”
Is there an answer to all of this craziness? Can we be unshakable in a world that is so shaken? Can we have a hope that things will change. Do you have faith? What do you believe?
This world and humanity may fail us but we can be sure that we can put our trust and hope in something and someone far greater than any powerful leader or any circumstance that we face. Jesus Christ, he sees and knows everything that is happening. He sees the ciaos that we have caused ourselves because we have not been following in His ways or in the plans that He has for us. This world has flooded with people who just do what feels good, go for the next best thing and follow anything and everything. They don’t take the time to consider how important life is, how it all began, how it will end and the incredible truth of eternity!
Through it all there is hope and a bright future however, we need to recognize and believe in the foundation that God set before us. It begins with new life in Christ, without this, Jesus says, we cannot enter the Kingdom of God (John 3). Jack Hayford said it well. “New birth in Christ brings us into a new dimension of life where the Lord can begin to work that stability into us. And then, the unshakable nature of His Kingdom in our lives equips us to become the people he wants us to be, to exemplify - His constancy, goodness, and strength. When we put our trust and faith in Him we can be unshakable in a world that is shaken. We can’t be putting our faith in man, or the things here on earth. “Psalm 146:3 say’s to us “Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save.”
Only in Christ can we find true and lasting hope and faith.
Hebrews 11:1 tells us that “Now Faith, is sure of what we hope and certain of what we do not see”. It’s our faith that will keep us strong! It is the faith that we have in our heavenly father, His love for us, His purpose and plan and the hope of eternal life with Him!
“Stand firm, let noting move you” I Corinthians 15:58, NKJV says immovable, not capable of moving or being moved, this is not saying that nothing will ever change, this is not talking about the physical things of religion and man, but it says that we are to be unshakable in the truth of who God is and what He has said.
The enemy Satan wants to bring instability and destruction into our lives but even though things rattle and rupture around us, there comes stability—not because of anything that we have done or will do but because of something steadfast that is flowing into our lives by the promises and power of God.
God is building His Kingdom. God is asking us to build our lives on Him and Him alone. He wants to remove what can be shaken so that what cannot be shaken remains. God is our unshakeable rock, our refuge in times of trouble. When you see and hear what is taking place in your life and in this world, put your trust in God. He promises that our faith will be renewed and we will be able to stand firm, being assured and unshakable in the midst of the chaos around us. Psalm 62:2 reads, ‘He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken.”
Today, ask
and trust God to give you a hope and faith that will keep you unshakable in
these times.
Check out
and listen to my song “Unshakable” at these links:
Jeannette’s Music:
http://jeannettepetkau.blogspot.ca/p/music.html or
Jeannette’s Music:
http://jeannettepetkau.blogspot.ca/p/music.html or
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