Monday, July 28, 2014

Behold His Beauty

If we look around us we can behold beauty, even in the smallest things. Summer is definitely my favorite season of the year! I love the sun and the warmth of it, the incredible beauty of nature that surrounds us with vivid colors. Flowers, trees in full bloom and the lush fresh fruit, there is nothing that is not to be liked about that. At this time of year even the human race seems to be more at peace, rested, more friendly and spirited! 

Being involved with music and ministry doesn’t always allow me to take advantage of these wonderful summery days. As well the last couple of months have been hard with losing my mother and there have been a number of unexpected intervals. I can’t say I regret this fact since I was able to spend time standing by and encourage those who I love. There is beauty in that as well. I was able to spend time with family and that is precious.

When we go through struggles in life they can make us bitter or better. I tend to believe for the most part that struggles in life help us grow deeper and stronger. As ugly as those times feel there is an inner peace and beauty that can happen specifically if we allow God to heal and renew us. His beauty far outweighs anything that we can remotely see or hear. His love is grace; there is no greater love than the love of our heavenly Father. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends ~ John 15:13,  that is what Jesus did for us! The beauty of love that is instilled into our souls comes from God, He gave it to us. However, our souls need to be cleansed to function properly.

When I saw my mother fading away I may have suffered more than she but I thought and prayed that it would be so great if Jesus would come and take her to heaven to be with Him. I know that she loved the Lord and had accepted Him into her life. When He finally did take her home I was so happy for her. That she no longer had to suffer, have pain or be troubled about the things here on this earth. She would then be without sin, perfect before God. She would be singing and doing all the things she loved.  I am jealous of the angels around the throne that night. What beauty my mom has seen and I too long to be with the Lord. 
One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple. ~Psalm 27:4

 In the here and now we can make a choice to live and seek God’s beauty, to follow in His ways, to give our lives to Him in service. Having a relationship with Jesus will change our lives; He understands and loves each one of us no matter where we have been or who we are today. His loving nature and character in our lives will change our hearts and souls. We will never be perfect here in this world because of other spiritual and demonic influences, however, we can know that we are loved and be the change in this world.

 And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands for us; Yes, establish the work of our hands. ~ Psalm 90:7

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. ~ Ecclesiastes 3:11

God is beauty, and all that He has made is beautiful. Everything He has made is to glorify Him and everything that happens is for our good even though we may not believe it at the moment but God has a perfect plan. He has made the earth and all that is in it and one day He will come back for us, so let’s be ready. Come into His presence and you will know the beauty of God and who He is.  May we take a moment to behold His beauty!

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